
Monday, 16 September 2019

Billy Goats Gruff in Te Reo Maori

WALT retell fairy tales in Te Reo Maori
WALT make a movie using iMovie

We created this to help celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori (Maori Language Week)
We created this by taking a video of the little puppets moving.  Then we took off any background noise and recorded our voices saying the Te Reo Maori for the fairy tale. We then added titles to show the English translation and who made the video.

Reflection. some thing that i did was good writing.another thing I did well was  moving the puppets.
Do you like what you see?

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

why sholud we plant trees

WALT explanations have special parts.
we created this to explain why we should plant trees.

 It is important to plant trees I will explain why. Trees give us oxygen we need oxygen to breth or we wood die.Trees make wood so we can build homes and also  boats,fires paper and give us apples and bananas.

Image result for trees
Reflection: I found the capital letter easy. The voice typing was hard.

Do you like using voie typing?